8:13 PM
Cambridge English Grammar in use - Essential

Language: English

Format: .pdf

Pages: 299

Size: 69.9 MB

      This is a grammar book for elementary student of English. There are 114 units in the book and each unit is focusing on a particular area of Grammar. The material organized in grammatical categories, such as tenses, questions and articles. Units are not ordered according to difficulty, and should therefore be selected and used in the order appropriate for the learner(s). The book should not be worked through from beginning to end. The units are listed in the contents and there is a comprehensive Index at the end of the book.

     Each unit has the same format consisting of two facing pages. The grammar point is presented and explained on the left-hand page and the corresponding exercises are on the right. There are seven Appendices (pages 239-247) dealing with actice and passive forms, irregular verbs, short forms (contractions), spelling and phrasal verbs. It might be useful for teachers to draw students' attention to these.

     Finally, there is a key at the back of the book (pages 265-295) for students to check their answers.

Category prefix: EN[3000] EN[3200]

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