10:20 PM
А.О. Иванов - Английские разговорные формулы

Language: English

Format: .pdf

Pages: 130

Size: 4,12 MB

This book is intended primarily for students specializing in English at pedagogical institutes, but can also be used with any students who have a good basic knowledge of English, and on refresher courses. Its aim is to present systematically the most important expressions used nowadays in everyday life and to drill them in a wide variety of situations.
The book consists of thirty-three chapters arranged in two parts. Part One begins with such general and comparatively simple topics as "Forms of Address", "Attracting Attention" and so on, and goes on to more difficult ones such as "Advice" and "Compliments". Part Two is devoted to opinions and feelings, ending with a chapter on general words and phrases and hints on conversing in English.
Each chapter (except the last- General Words and Phrases and Some Hints on Conversing in English) consists of:
( 1) a list of expressions, with brief comments about usage and style, and examples (where it would not otherwise be clear how the given expression is used). These comments and examples have been kept to a minimum, so that the expressions themselves stand out as a list and can be seen together. (Numerous examples are given in the second part of each chapter, except for chapters 1 and 2, where it proved desirable to include them in the first part.);
(2) illustrative material (examples of usage), either in the form of dialogues or questions/statements with a response;
(3) exercises. These provide an opportunity to practice the expressions given and are graded according to difficulty, from reading and learning by heart, multiple-choice questions and substi­tution tables (exercises of the "drill" type) to exercises demanding a freer use of the material, a more creative approach.
There are seven chapters (chapters 7, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26) where this basic structure is modified by the inclusion of two (and in one case three) parallel sections. This was made necessary by the nature of the material. Here the list of expressions and the illustra­tive material relating to each section is given separately, followed by general illustrative material, if any, and exercises on both (all) sections.

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